About Us

Somatic Life & Relationship Coaching

Does any of this sound familiar to you in your Personal life?

  • You are constantly arguing and wondering why everything turns into a blow out fight?
  • You have been growing apart: there's a distance that did not exist before
  • You have difficulty agreeing on life goals: money management, kids, or a work/life balance
  • You don't feel like a priority
  • You have a lot of unmet needs (emotional, mental, and physical )
  • When you approach your partner: he/she shuts down or refuses to solve the problem together
  • You constantly feel like you are taking one step forward and two steps back in your relationship 
  • In a toxic relationships, and unable to get out and build new life.
  • You can wish and hope all you want that your partner will change, or your relationship will be better, but nothing will improve unless you take "Action."

How about YOUR LIFE?

  • You aren't satisfied/happy in your life
  • You are unable to regulate your emotions
  • You are not motivated and procrastinate
  • You live in constant self-doubt
  • In constant "Fight or Flight Mode"

How do you show up Professionally?

  • Unable to have strong boundaries at work
  • Lack of confidence is holding you back from growth
  •  Unable to maintain a Work-Life Balance 
  • Low self-worth, and self- belief
  • Unable to communicate your needs/goals effectively
  • During conflicts you become defensive and do not know how to solve the conflict
  • Unable to navigate organizational styles and different communications

Life's Transitions

  • Life's transitions: break up/divorce/loss of a loved one/illness/professional setback all this becomes overwhelming

Youth &Young Adults:

  •  Bullying at school/university
  • Low self- esteem and confidence is withholding you from your potential
  • Uncomfortable with peers in social settings
  • Academic/social stress is pulling you away from your loved ones
  • Lack of interest or motivation to succeed
  • Break-up in your personal relationship
  • Unable to connect with your family

You know your relationship needs to be the "Priority, " but due to work stress/ family/ friends/social commitments, sometimes they get derailed and you lose focus. This has a catastrophic impact on your personal and professional relationships.

Happy relationships bring us most joy, but successful relationships, are those that are nurtured. Just as you hire a trainer to be fit and strong, an accountant to help with your finances, a doctor to be healthy, so it's natural that you turn to a coaching expert to help you flourish and thrive in your personal and professional lives. You deserve satisfying, and enriching relationship(s) built on being : Valued, Seen, Heard, Understood, Nurtured, Acknowledged and Loved

 Hi! I'm Charu Seth, Somatic Life & Relationship Coach. I'm here to help you in this journey to create: joyous, meaningful, thriving life and personal and professional relationship(s).

As a Life & Relationship Coach: 

  • We will address your Limiting Beliefs 
  • Assess Core Values 
  • Build your relational growth by creating a roadmap to achieve and enhance fulfilling relationship with yourself, and your loved ones. 

As a Life & Relationship Coach I empower you to take action towards: limiting beliefs, and other mindset behaviors that impede your path to success and a fulfilling life. By employing mindset tools along with relationship strategies, we show up as better individuals who are self-aware, evolving, confident in creating healthy connections. 

I believe one should never have to choose between their Personal vs Professional life!

Yes, you can have it all, with the right mindset, tools, and the effort required to implement it in your lives.

A holistic approach where we will Re-Engineer your life: 

🌱 Resolving professional and personal conflict(s)  

🌱 Align values, and goals 

🌱 Learn parenting techniques of building a bridge to communicate with our children, youth and young adults especially during conflicts/or challenging conversations.

 🌱 Reconnect with your loved one's after you've lost that spark/ work-life imbalance/ differing priorities or goals 

As YOUR Coach, and facilitator you will find me collaborating in creating Authentic, Stronger, Healthier, Joyous, and Fulfilling connections by aligning your values, purpose and goal.  

My Aim - Add Value to your Life, Gain Self-Awareness = Thrive in your Relationships & Life.


" Every decision/choice that we make determines the quality of life we want." Now the question to ask is : What kind of life do You want"?

Contact Us

"A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step" - Lao Tzu

Are you ready to take the first step in your transformational journey? Then send me a message and let me help you thrive in all areas!

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